Niobrara County Library
Serving All Your Information and Entertainment Needs

eBooks, digital audio, movies & television, comics and music! Be sure to check out Kids Mode!

Libby / Overdrive
Use Libby to access all of Overdrive’s resources, ebooks, digital audio and streaming movies!

Gale Legal Forms
Professional and Wyoming specific legal forms, download blank forms to fill out or use the convenient web forms! Also visit Equal Justice and the Wyoming Judicial Branch for other forms.

Wyoming Non-Profit Resources
Plan, fund, and manage your nonprofit with Free Resources available at your local library! Including Candid Database Tools – get free access to Candid’s Foundation Directory, Grants to Individuals and Foundation Maps from each main library building in all 23 counties.
The Niobrara County Library Foundation, Inc. accepts online donations.

Click to contribute via credit/debit card.