Benjamin Updike
Born 05/10/1911
Gender: M
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 05/18/1911
The population of Lusk and vicinity is fast increasing, both from immigration and a laudable desire on the part of our citizens to give the lie to the "race suicide" theory. Just the other day a young lady arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gautschi and you may believe she was received with open arms. She is here to stay. About the same time, via the storkville limited, a sturdy bronco buster was deposited with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Updike. It is understood that on acccount of the proximity of their arrival as to time, the "old reliable" H. C. Snyder and Co. will present that dress to Miss Gautschi and (probably) spurs to master Updike.
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