Birth Details

Alayna Suzanne Goppert

Born 07/28/1998
Gender: F
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 08/12/1998

Teresa and Sean Goppert announce the birth of their daughter, Alayna Suzanne. She was born Jul8 28, 1998, weighing 8 lbs. 12 1/2 ounces. She was 21 inches long.

Maternal grandparents are Lewis and JoeEllen Landkamer of Lance Creek. Paternal grandparents are Steve and Susie Goppert of Loveland, Colo.

Maternal great-grandmother is Faye Traphagen of Lusk. Paternal great-grandmother is Jan Blewett of Rancho Palo Verdes, Calif., and paternal great-grandparents are Jean and Yvonne Goppert of Virginia Dale, Colo.

She joins her sister Nadja, 2, at home.

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