Business Details

Bank: Bank of Van Tassell

The Lusk Herald, February 21, 1918

"Do It Yourself.

"Young Man", says Col. Bright, "You had better put your money in the bank, because it will get there anyhow whether  you put it there or not."

Do you realize how much truth there is to that statement? Do you know that the wealthy men of the United States handle their money almost entirely through the bank. I think you will admit also that the wealthy men of the country are also the smart men. The smart, wideawake {sic} men are the ones who get your money. Most of your money is spent with business men. These business men invariably take your money when they get it and put it in the bank. Why not put it in the bank yourself? The men who put your money in the bank for you get lots of benefit out of it. Why not get this benefit yourself. You are not too young to commence---neither are you too old. Try it.


W.L. Hoyt, Pres.    A.L. Schnurr, Vice Pres.     Howell Jones, Cashier"

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