Business Details

Boyd Brothers Furniture

The Lusk Herald, December 21, 1911

"Circulating Library

We have opened a Circulating Library in which we have a large assortment of good books to which will be added late books as fast as they come out.

The first book costs you $1.50, and you can exchange as often as you like, each new book costing you 10 cents. No book can be kept out longer than two (2) weeks. When you quit you may keep any book you choose.

We also handle the Sunday Denver Post, Saturday Evening Post and all the best magazines.

Boyd Brothers, Furniture Headquarters"

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Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Obituary Boyd, George (02/11/1882 - 10/10/1958) View Record
Obituary Boyd, Stewart (12/31/1885 - 12/20/1960) View Record