Business Details

Barber Shops: LeRoy Barber Shop

Converse County Herald, January 16, 1902

A new barber shop is the latest addition to Lusk enterprises. T.G. LeRoy and wife moved into the Andrew Hanson property on east Main Street this week, recently vacated by Geo. Quinn and family and have opened a shop. Both are barbers and are said to be professionals in that line.


Lusk is getting metropolitan in the extreme. Out latest step in that direction is the acquisition of a lady barber this week. Nothing is too good for Lusk and her citizens generally look well to the interest of new enterprises. 


Converse County Herald, December 25, 1902

"Go to the LADY BARBER SHOP, West side Main street adjoining Herald Office

Clean towels and an easy shave guaranteed to one and all. Scissors ground and Razors honed.

Ladies Shampooing and hairdressing a specialty


Mrs. Goldie LeRoy, Lusk Wyoming"


Converse County Herald, July 30, 1903

Lusk has lost its lady barber shop, T.G. and Mrs. LeRoy having closed the doors of the same on Sunday and left for Tom Bell's ranch, where they will work during the haying season. Mrs. LeRoy is one of the very best tonsorial artists that ever engaged in business here, and many there are who hated to see her lay aside the razor and shears. 

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