Business Details

Drug Stores: Willard's Drug

The Lusk Free Lance, December 26, 1946


First official announcement was made this week of the approaching transfer of the Willard Drug store business to its new owners, Otto H. Krekeler and Herbert M. Klint, who will take possession January 1st.

The business since the spring of 1940 has been owned and operated by Jess Willard.

Both of the purchasers are well known in this locality, Krekeler having been with Willard since he came to Lusk, and previously for two years with the former owner, Frank D. Viele, who operated the concern as the Viele drug store. With the exception of the time he spent in the U. S. Navy, from February, 1944 to November, 1945, Krekeler has been connected with this store.

Klint came to this city in 1941 and was engaged with the Rogers drug store until its owner, Foster R. Rogers disposed of the business to A.J. Casey in June 1945. Klint then left Lusk and since that time has been employed by the Baxter Hotel pharmacy at Bozeman, Mont. He had originally come to this city from Big Springs, Nebr.

Both the new owners are registered pharmacists, and are graduates of the Capital College of Pharmacy of Denver, Colo.

Mr. Klint was here for a short time Monday, accompanied by his wife and three children, enroute to Nebraska where they are now enjoying the holidays. They are expected back in this city Sunday. Mr. Krekeler also is married and has a small son.

The many friends these new additions to Lusk’s business roster have made in the years of their employment here are pleased to hear of their venture, extending best wishes for the success of the new firm.

Mr. Willard, it is understood, has no definite plans for their immediate future, although it is quite probable that he, with his wife and son, Alan, may spend some time traveling after the transfer of the business is completed.

The Lusk Free Lance, December 26, 1946
Image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook:

Leave it to Kester. He's always right up front. And that infectious smile of his speaks well of the kind of service he gets at WILLARD'S. Of course, Jesse Willard has sold out to "Okie" Krekeler and Herb Klindt, but the gang still forgathers at "WILLARD'S". Paula Culver dishes it up to Kester, Betty Stiles, Betty Wolfe, and Vearl O'Conner at the fountain, while Gerald Lincoln and Richard Cogdill look on.

Of course, Willard's deal in cosmetics, veterinary supplies, take in Kodak work, and when the doctor says so, fills those health-restoring prescriptions with professional skill and a personal interest.

Images & Attachments

Image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook

Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Obituary Krekeler, Otto (04/08/1913 - 10/03/1988) View Record