Business Details

Service Stations: Standard Service

"Standard - everywhere." No town, village, metropolis or hamlet in the United States but has a "STANDARD SERVICE." For the cross-country motorist seeking to buy familiar and trustworthy products, this Standard station is a welcome sight in the heart of Lusk.

But for home-folks who know the men behind the pumps, Hans and Bus Gautschi, the value of the product is enhanced by the friendly integrity of long years of continued operation of the station.

A closer inspection of the photograph will reveal that it was taken early-morning of a day when the world was literally sheathed in a thin layer of gleaming ice.


The Lusk Herald, June 5,1930


The Standard Oil Company of Indiana, through its contractor, is now getting started on its new modern filling station in Lusk, which will be located on Main street, almost opposite the Lusk Armory. The ground was purchased from C. W. Erwin by the Midwest Refining Company before the marketing branch of the business was returned to the Standard Oil Co. by the Midwest, which is a subsidiary of the Standard.

There will be considerable labor and material used in the construction of the new station, a good part of which will be purchased locally.

A warehouse and storage tanks will be located on a C. & N. W. spur near the Lusk power plant. It is said that the permit for the construction of the warehouse is being held up temporarily , because the location selected was too close to the power plant. It is expected this matter will be ironed out at a meeting of the city council Wednesday night.

With the completion of the new Texaco Super-Service Station, and the Continental station, which was the first up-to-date station in Lusk, and the new Standard station, Lusk will have three of the best service stations in the state.

Images & Attachments

Image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook

Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Obituary Gautschi, Hans (05/14/1883 - 04/26/1966) View Record
Obituary Gautschi, Harold (09/24/1912 - 12/25/1996) View Record