Business Details

Attorney-At-Law:Thomas O. Miller

The Lusk Free Lance, January 24, 1935

"Thomas O. Miller


Practice in all courts

Phone 21-W, Room 3 Snyder Building

Lusk Wyoming"


Image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook:

Lawyers are learned folk who get people "habeas corpuses", "e. pluribus unums", and out of trouble. But LAWYER THOMAS O. MILLER is doing none of these things for Beverly Cummings. In fact, an important part of a lawyer's work is writing of wills. And Beverly is learning how anyone owning property and wishing to designate someone to receive it in case of accidental or natural death might draw up a proper will. Before you sign a contract of any kind, see this friendly man who will tell you what it means.

Images & Attachments

Image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook

Related/Linked Records

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Obituary Miller, Thomas (07/24/1898 - 02/02/1993) View Record
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