Business Details

Theatres: Wyoming Theatre

Lusk Free Lance, September 14, 1933

Wyoming Theatre Will Open Saturday; Entertainment of High Quality to be Offered

Saturday evening of this week will mark the  opening of the new Wyoming Theatre in the Faust building, under the management of Sam Feinstein of Denver and Mrs. Mabel Edmonston of this city.  With the closing of the theatre last week, Lusk will soon again have its amusement center opened in  the spacious and popular location on North Main street.

The proprietorship is divided  between Mr. Feinstein and Mrs. Edmonston, and no other parties are connected with the Wyoming in any way,  Mr. Feinstein stated today (Thursday). The new proprietors completed the organization of their partnership today.

Patrons of the Wyoming will see a practically a new theatre when they attend the opening. The entire in-
terior has been redecorated, the seats re varnished and other improvements have been made. A new screen will replace the one formerly used by the Garden Theatre.

One of the outstanding features  of the Wyoming will be the new sound equipment, the High Fidelity photo-
phone, which is said to be used by the leading theatres of the country, Including the famous Roxy's of New York City. The High Fidelity has the endorsement of all widely-known picture theatres and Lusk is to be
considered fortunate m having such high-class equipment at Its disposal.

Prices have been lowered on adult admissions, and in view of that fact, the management promises none but the highest type of programs. All leading productions will be booked as they are released, and already many
of the starring vehicles have been contracted. The opening night will feature Zane Grey's "Heritage of the
Desert," and the short subjects will be of the kind that lend richness to the program for variety. 


The Lusk Herald, January 3, 1946

Glenrock Men Purchase Theatre Business

Two Glenrock men, Carlin Smith and N.O. Reed have purchased the Wyoming Theatre of Lusk from G.A. Turner who has operated it for the past four years.

The deal was effective as of January 1. Mr. Turner however, retains the lease of the theatre building and will continue to operated the Merry Whirl ballroom, and the Bingo room, as well as his new business, the Buckaroo at Van Tassell. He has leased the Snack Shop to Ernei Pittser.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Reed own theatres at Glenrock and Imperial, Nebr., and Mr. Reed is the Publisher of the Glenrock Independent. 

Mr. Turner purchased the theatre  from M.E. Birkhimer in 1941 and has operated it successfully since.

During the war he has given many shows and sponsored other stunts for war bonds, scrap drives and other promotions of national and community interest.

The new owners will employ a manager to operate the theatre as soon as possible, but until such time as that is accomplished, Mr. Turner will continue to have charge.

Note: The Wyoming was part of the Wesco chain until 1953. Wesco was headquartered in Glenrock, Wyoming. President was Carlin Smith and general manager/buyer was Frank Hall. Wesco also operated theaters in Colorado, Nebraska and Missouri. It was still open in 1976 when it was renamed Spare-Time Theatre.

The Lusk Free Lance, May 28, 1953


Rumors and more rumors relative to the motion picture business in Lusk came to an end today (Thursday) when final papers were signed, making Mr. and Mrs. Melvin “Pete” Meier of Harrison, Nebr., the new owners and operators of the Wyoming Theatre. They will, under terms of the sales contract, take possession next Wednesday, June 3.The purchase was made from Wesco Theatres, Inc., which has owned the local showhouse for the past seven years. The negotiations, which have been underway since the Meiers first made known their intentions to erect a drive-in theatre west of town came to a conclusion at Douglas this morning.The Meiers, owners and operators of the Summit theatre at Harrison, had recently purchased a site on the Bill Bredthauer ranch, adjoining Highway 20 and announced their plans. This was followed shortly by another announcement this time from the Wesco group that it was planning similarly. Then came the offer to buy or sell from the corporation, with the two parties reaching their decision today. Mr. and Mrs. Meier are credited with being excellent show people and have shown a number of top-bracket films at the Summit far ahead of the theater here.

In the transaction, Mr. and Mrs. Meier had to assume all current film contracts made by Wesco, and even tho these include billings not in line with the policy of the buyers, they hope to have these contracts terminated within the next couple of months if possible. Afterwards the Meiers pledge to show the best and latest pictures available so far as distributor conditions will permit.

Aside from the theatre business in this city, the transaction involved the land purchased by Wesco after the new owners had announced their intentions to build the drive-in theatre.

As to the drive-in possibilities for this year, Mr. and Mrs. Meier asserted that this would now be abandoned for this summer, since the delay encountered in the dealings with Wesco would make it too late to have construction completed before August, leaving but a few weeks for operation following that time. However, the drive-in project will remain among their future pans, they indicated.


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