Newspaper: The Lusk Standard
The Lusk Standard, January 3, 1919
This week The Standard appears under new management, the undersigned having retired from the business.
The business henceforth will be conducted by The Standard Publishing Co., and Mr. H. R. McHatton, who since last July has been connected with the paper, retains major interest in the business and will have control of the business and editorial management.
For the many business favors conferred upon us by the citizens of Lusk and the people of the community, we feel duly appreciative.
~J. H. Slater
The Lusk Herald, March 10, 1922
Last Week’s Issue is Final Publication: Field is Too Small for Two Papers
Last week saw the final publication of The Lusk standard, and after more than a decade, Lusk is again a one-paper town. The deal was closed late last week and The Lusk Herald has taken over all of the fixtures as well as the business of that paper. In the future Lusk’s paper will be known as The Lusk Herald and The Lusk Standard.
Following is a brief resume of the life of The Lusk Standard, which dates back to 1910.
The Lusk Standard was brought into being in the spring of 1910 by Ed Hanlon of Sturgis, S.D. It was in the fall of that year that W.L. Magoon, ranch owner and stockman operating on Youngwoman creek, came to town and tarried overnight. During the evening he met Frank Kelley, printer of Keeline, who was in the employ of Hanlon, and as a result of conference, Mr. Magoon returned home the next day as sole owner of The Standard. Mr. Magoon was sole proprietor until about June 15, 1911, when he parted with a two-thirds interest to J.H. Slater and Will Hassed, who suspended publication of The Manville Register and combined the materials of that paper with the outfit of The Standard.
The firm of Slater, Hassed & Magoon held sway until in the fall of 1917, when Mr. Magoon retired. Slater and Hassed conducted the business until July 1, 1918, at which time R.H. McHatton, acquired Mr. Hassed’s interest. Slater and McHatton continued the business until January 1, 1919, when Mr. Slater sold his half interest to J.G. Hartwell, J.E. Hawthorne and several others.
Mr. McHatton has been business manager and editor of The Standard for more than two years. He is undecided at this time as to where he will go from here, but it is almost an assured fact that he will soon be in the newspaper field again.
Those having paid up subscriptions to The Lusk Standard will be advance that time due them on the new paper.
The Lusk Herald, May 2, 1919
This week the expert from the factory has installed in the Lusk Standard a new high grade newspaper press which will enable the Standard force to produce a better paper each week and do it in less time.