Business Details

W.F. Louger & Co. Furniture

From the 1889 Wyoming Business Directory

Source: the Mercantile Agency Reference Book, Vol. 85

R.G. Dun & Co., New York , July 1889, NS


Converse County Herald, December 25, 1902

"FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING is my specialty, therefore you will always find at my place a full line of this class of goods and at the lowest possible prices. My line of furniture consists of new, up-to-date goods and when in need of such it will pay you to see me for prices.

I also carry in stock all sizes of caskets in wood, cloth, and metallic. Also gents, ladies and children's robes. Casket handles and emblems for all Societies. Wax candles and candle sticks.

W.F. LOUGER Lusk Wyoming"

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