Business Details

Hospital: The Lusk Hospital

The Lusk Standard, January 7, 1921

Dr. J. L. Norris

Dr. D. H. Dale


The Lusk Herald and The Lusk Standard, December 26, 1922


The Lusk hospital is to close.

After several weeks of indecision, Drs. D.H. Dale and J.L. Norris, who for the past several years have operated the Lusk hospital, have decided to dissolve the co- partnership and to close the institution.

The announcement will bring real regret to the people pf the city and county, but the step was necessary, it is stated by the doctors because of the reduced population and the stringency of the times.

Future plans of those concerned have not yet been fully made, but it is likely that both families will remove to other and larger cities there to enter the practice of their profession.


The Lusk Herald-Standard, October 4, 1923


The Lusk hospital has moved into its new location, the building formerly known as the Modern Rooms, and is being nicely fitted up. Mrs. Frank Brooks is a new patient in the hospital suffering from a severe stomach trouble.

O.E. Cheney, who underwent a serious operation last week, is recovering rapidly and Floyd Roberts, who has been confined to the hospital with a broken leg has recovered sufficiently to be able to leave.


The Lusk Herald, March 30, 1939

Contract Let For Construction of Modern Addition to Lusk Hospital

Mrs. E.C. Marsh who has operated the Lusk Hospital for many years, this past week announced that a contract had been let to R.E. Dean & Son, local contractors, for the erection of a 30x70 ft. addition the present structure.

The new building will be built to the west of the present hospital and will be joined with a hallway between the two buildings. the new building will be of tile and stucco construction and will be modern in every sense of the word. Two wards, a specially constructed operating room, and five private rooms will be made possible in this new hospital wing. The estimated cost of the construction will be between $9,000 and $10,000 according to present plans.

At present, contracts have not been let for the plumbing, however, however Dean & Son are starting actual construction work at once. The building will be completed before the summer months according to plans.  In addition to the tile and stucco construction trimmings for the building will be made of native Wyoming marble which will be obtained from the Jay Em vicinity.

For the past several years Mrs. Marsh has found the facilities at the present hospital almost continually over-taxed and in many cases patients were unable to gain admittance. this new addition will greatly alleviated this condition and will add considerably to the efficiency of the hospital force and doctors.


The Lusk Herald, April 27, 1939

To Lay Cornerstone New Hospital At Ceremonies Monday May 1st

The cornerstone for the new wing to the Lusk Hospital which is being erected by Mrs. E.C. Marsh will be laid next Monday afternoon, May 1st at 2:00 o'clock p.m. with a program arranged by the ministers of the town and with the aide of local school musicians.

R.E. Dean & Son, contractors will have their work completed to a point where the cornerstone ceremonies will be conducted Monday afternoon. A marble stone is being polished by the Jay Em Marble Works Co. and dedication of the building will include quite an elaborate program.

So far as possible local business houses will be asked to close for about 30 minutes to attend the dedication ceremonies. the Lusk High School band will play several selections, a history of the start and growth of the local institution will  be given, followed by a Hymn and Scriptural reading. A prayer will be offered and this will be followed by the laying of the cornerstone and its dedication. Another Hymn and Benediction will bring the ceremonies to a close.

Work on the new addition is progressing nicely and will afford Lusk one of the finest small city hospital facilities in the state. Mrs. Marsh has devoted man years to her work and the new addition will add materially to her success. Everyone is invited to attend the ceremony Monday afternoon and all those interested will appreciate your cooperation in helping to make the event a memorable one in Lusk's history. 


The Lusk Herald, February 10, 1944

Blanche Spencer to Manage Hospital

A business deal was completed the first of last week, whereby the Lusk Hospital changed management. For the past twenty years the hospital has been owned and operated by Mrs. E. C. Marsh. The new manager is Mrs. Blanche Spencer of Spencer, Wyo., who has been assisting in the work of the hospital at different times during the past few months.

Mrs. Marsh expects to retire and enjoy a much needed rest. Mrs. Spencer plans to supervise the hospital and the institution will be staffed with competent registered nurses.


The Lusk Herald, March 2, 1944

Torkelson Buys the Lusk Hospital

In a business transaction completed on February 21st, Dr. O.E. Torkelson became the owner and operator of the Lusk Hospital. The hospital was purchased from Mrs. Ida Blanche Spencer, who about three weeks ago bought the institution from Mrs. Emma C. Marsh.

The Lusk Hospital is located on West Third street about twenty years ago, and since that time a new wing has been added and new equipment installed. 

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Related/Linked Records

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Obituary Marsh, Emma (11/30/-0001 - 07/17/1951) View Record
Historical Hospitals of Niobrara County View Record
Obituary Spencer, Blanche (08/12/1888 - 07/05/1973) View Record
Obituary Torkelson, Oliver (07/06/1908 - 11/19/1967) View Record