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Phone Company

The Lusk Standard, December 19, 1919 


About fifty men are now employed by the local phone company in putting in its new equipment. Mammoth, modern switchboards are being installed in the new quarters on Third street and every phone in the district will be replaced. The present phones, the Independent, have insufficient transmitting power and the new system of Standard Bell phones are of high power. New poles and new cables are replacing the old throughout the entire Lusk district which comprises 400 phones, 100 of which are rural.

Manager W.C. Allen, who came here from Douglas last August says that work has been delayed by a tie-up in material but some of this is now on hand and work is under way. He will remain here until late spring when it is expected the biggest part of the job will be finished.

An increase in the present office force will be made necessary by the change, said Manager Allen, three or more girls being required to assist in the operation of the new six-section, fire-proof switchboards.

Miss Gladine Eddy is the chief operator and Mrs. Nellie Olinger has the night shift. Mr. Allen states that a more efficient service will result from the new installation and  he thanks the public for being so patient with the inadequate service of the past due to poor equipment. He says there will be few complaints registered when the new plant is in action. 

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