Business Details

Faust Amusement

The Lusk Standard, February 14, 1919

Hal Faust has purchased the Henry corner just across from the Northwestern Hotel on Main Street and will erect a two-story building, work to commence at once. Mr. Faust will run a pool hall in the basement, a cozy theatre will occupy the first floor, and a dance hall will be on the second floor. The building will be fire-proof and modern.


The Lusk Standard, August 29, 1919


There are many people in Lusk who do not know that each day they are passing and re passing the finest amusement pool and billiard parlors in the state. Yet this can be said of the Faust Amusement Co.'s hall and refreshment rooms on the corner of Main street and Railway avenue. The billiard parlors occupying the basement of the building below the Garden Theatre and also the space beneath the two adjoining business rooms, the dance hall being above the Garden.

Passing down and into the parlors by the main street entrance, at the foot of the stairway one is confronted by a fruit and ice cream stand, a busy popcorn popper, and many tempting morsels of nuts and candies mixed. The fruits are fresh, the popcorn hot, and one feels tempted to linger in this corner. but there's a lot to see.

From the fruit stand you turn toward the right, and pass along the west end of the large room. There are many card tables with sociable games in progress at this turn--everything moving quietly, and everyone seemingly at home and in a pleasant pastime of enjoyment. On this west end there is a magnificent bar with elegant fixtures and a most inviting fountain, from which many kinds of sparkling cold drinks are dispensed. In fact, anything you can mention in the way of cooling beverages can be had at this Artic {sic} corner of the parlors, and seved in up-to the-minute order.

Passing the cold drinks quarter, on the south side of the room, there is found a confectioners' paradise and a smokers' heaven. The sweetmeats, creams, chocolates, and marshmallows exhibited here would make a truant out of an Aunt Germimah school girl, and in fact, we stopped to sample a few of them ourself. The stock of these goods in bulk and in ornamental boxes and packages is certainly very tempting and attractive, and is one of the largest to be found anywhere in Wyoming. it was here we came upon Mr. M. Bilray, manager of the Faust Amusement Co., as it were, telling us to be at home. Which was no hard matter in an atmosphere where everyone seemed to be at home.

A little further to the eastward in in the immense room where the cigars, cigarettes and pipe tobaccos--in a myriad of brands, cuts and flavors, to tempt the taste of the most bespoiled school Miss who imagined she had acquired the cigarette habit, or the chewer of black-jack from down in old Virginia. In the glass cigar cases we noted the labels of the highest grades of cigars popular in Wyoming, and many brands of world-renowned cigarettes and pipe-smokers favorites.

From the cigar stand we wandered among the billiard and pool tables--fourteen in number. They are elegant tables, have been carefully leveled, and are sure to be the source of much pleasure and many pleasant hours of pastime to lovers of the scientific games. 

The dance hall, under the management of the same company, is better known to the public at present than the basement amusement hall. And  to be appreciated , this magnificent hall must be appreciated when a party of dancers are on the floor.  It is well-aired, well-lighted and the floor is such a whole night may be passed with the least possible fatigue to the dance. The hall and parlors of the Faust Amusement Co. are sure to become popular places of resort. 

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