Around Wyoming Film Series – BADLANDS
- Date(s): Monday, November 16th 2009
- Time: 6 p.m.
- Location: Niobrara County Library
Dinner and Film Series facilitated by Deane Tucker, Professor of Humanities at Chadron State College.
Badlands is the third film in the four-part series and will be shown on Monday, November 16.
Kit Carruthers, a young garbage collector and his girlfriend Holly Sargis from Fort Dupree, South Dakota, are on the run after killing Holly’s father who disagreed with their relationship. On their way towards the Badlands of Montana they leave a trail of dispassionate and seemingly random murders. The script was based on the true story of the Charles Starkweather and Caril-Ann Fugate murders in 1958 and stars Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek and Warren Oates. Warner Bros., Directed by Terence Malick
Rated PG; 94 minutes – For More Information Call the Library at 334-3490