Dinner and a Movie – Julie and Julia
- Date(s): Monday, August 29th 2011
- Time: 6 p.m.
- Location: Niobrara County Library
In 1949, Julia Child is in Paris, the wife of a diplomat, wondering how to spend her days. She tries hat making, bridge, and then cooking lessons at Cordon Bleu. There she discovers her passion. In 2002, Julie Powell, about to turn 30 and underemployed with an unpublished novel, decides to cook her way through “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” in a year and to blog about it. We go back and forth between these stories of two women learning to cook and finding success.
A light meal will be a part of the evening and Deane Tucker will facilitate the discussion. (Color, 123 minutes, PG)
This program is funded by the Niobrara County Library and the NCSD Recreation District.