Happy Holidays Film – ‘Dolphin Tales 2’
- Date(s): Friday, December 12th 2014
- Time: 1:30 p.m.
- Location: Niobrara County Library
Friday, December 12 is “High Activity Day” in Niobrara County, so there is no school. The library will help the kids celebrate with a special holiday movie event – “Dolphin Tales 2.”
Winter’s surrogate mother, the very elderly dolphin Panama, has passed away, leaving Winter without the only poolmate she has ever known. However, the loss of Panama may have even greater repercussions for Winter, who, according to USDA regulations, cannot be housed alone, as dolphins’ social behavior requires them to be paired with other dolphins. Time is running out to find a companion for her before the team at Clearwater loses their beloved Winter to another aquarium. Rated PG, 107 minutes
Bring your own drink, the library provides the popcorn!