Murder on the Plains with Lucas Keeler
- Date(s): Wednesday, July 17th 2024
- Time: 6 p.m.
- Location: Niobrara County Library
Murder on the Plains: The Killing of “Diamond L. Slim” Cliftonby Lucas Keeler
Wednesday, July 17 – 6 p.m.
The son of a minister, William C. “Slim” Clifton arrived in Montana in the late 1880s, where he quickly learned ranching skills and the cowboy way of life. With his newfound skills and his work ethic, Slim journeyed to Wyoming where he became known for his prowess with a team of horses and a rope.
A stenographer for the Union Pacific Railroad in Omaha, Nebraska, John Church and his wife Luella met the cowboy Slim Clifton in Omaha in 1901. With Clifton’s tales and promises of the opportunities that Wyoming could afford the newlywed couple, the Churches left the safe confines of their childhood home and journeyed west in search of new beginnings in Wyoming.
The three homesteaders were lured to Wyoming by its beauty, and with hopes and dreams they established their ranches along Porcupine Creek in western Weston County. Little did they know that their arrival in Wyoming would lead to their deaths, resulting in the most infamous murders in Weston County history.
Lucas Keeler is a life-long resident of Wyoming. He enjoys spending time with his family and continues to research and write about the forgotten history of the Black Hills. Copies of “Murder on the Plains” will be available for sale.