Summer Reading – Hey Kids! – All Summer Long!
- Date(s): Friday, July 21st 2023
- Time:
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“Claws, Paws, Feathers & Scales” is the theme for summer reading and children’s programming at the library this year. Traditionally, summer reading programs are designed to encourage children to keep reading during summer vacation. Preventing the “summer slide” continues to be the main objective of library summer reading programs.
The benefits of summer reading programming for children:
* Children are motivated to read.
* Children develop positive attitudes about reading, books, and the library.
* Children maintain their reading skills during summer vacation.
* Children have access to experiences that further their sense of discovery.
* Children have access to experiences through which they can learn to work cooperatively.
The library’s “Hey Kids” program begins the end of May for all ages and continues throughout the summer. Stop in the library anytime after May 22 to pick up your books and set your reading goals then check out your library books and start reading! The tracking week ends each Friday beginning June 2 and continues through August 11 (books may be returned anytime during the week). When a goal is met for two weeks, a certificate for swimming, ice cream, drink or a treat will be awarded. In mid-August, children who have completed their reading goals throughout the summer will be eligible for additional prizes.