WYOMING PLACES with Venice Beske
- Date(s): Friday, July 12th 2013
- Time: 12:00 Noon
- Location: Niobrara County Library
The Niobrara County Library will sponsor “Wyoming Places,” a free presentation by Venice Beske at the library on Friday, July 12 at noon. Beske will discuss specific place names in Wyoming, relating their sources to archaeology, biology, folklore, geography, geology, history or language. She also discusses the current place names project of the Wyoming State Library.
A place name can reveal much about our history and our geography, so bring your lunch and join Venice Beske as she takes us on a journey to learn about place names and their study (toponymy) and shares examples from Wyoming of the different “categories” of place names. She’ll even examine past works on Wyoming’s place names and demonstrate the current project, “Wyoming Places”.
Beske lives in Hawk Springs and works for the Wyoming State Library, where she develops online resources, including an online database of Wyoming’s place names, the Wyoming Authors Wiki, and the Wyoming Trademark Database.
“Wyoming Places” is presented by the Wyoming Humanities Council as part of its Humanities Forum.
The Wyoming Humanities Council provides public humanities-based programs in partnership with local organizations and is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.