Home Builders Getting Busy
As evidence of the confidence in the future of Lusk the home builders have commenced the erection of houses, some of course are of temporary construction, while others are built along more permanent lines.
Capitol Hill is being dotted here and there with houses of all descriptions and basements are being excavated for several more. The great influx of people to Lusk has caused a demand for rooms and houses which was impossible to meet on such short notice, and a great many of the new comers, who are going to be located here permanently are demonstrating their confidence in the future of Lusk and the Lusk oil fields by erecting their own homes.
These people came to Lusk expecting to rent living quarters and found they were just a little late—in fact there has not been a room in town the past summer with a "for rent" sign in the window.
At present there are under construction in Lusk about thirty-five houses, which when completed will tend to relieve congested conditions prevailing now.
Harry Rogers is erecting two cottages to be occupied by mechanics who are employed in his Niobrara garage. Harry says it was either build houses or quit fixing automobiles as there was no place for the boys to house their families.
"Lucky" Baldwin is spending quite a chunk of good old U. S. cash in a row of cottages he is having built near the high school. These houses are three and four room structures, near the water main and have attracted buyers before completion.
The neat bungalows in Capitol Hill addition, which were built by Mr. Duncan, are roomy and convenient, containing about four rooms each with a bath. These places when completed will command a ready sale and somebody will have a pleasant home. Mr. Duncan has drilled wells on each lot to furnish the water supply until water mains are laid.
Louie Seyboldt will put up a few bungalows and intends to build and sell as fast as carpenters can supply the demand of the buyers.
John Newell is going to try a couple ready-built houses. They will be put up on lots owned by Mr. Newell in Capitol Hill and will tend to aid in caring for our increasing population. These houses are manufactured in Douglas and are neat in appearance, being well made and convenient. They are built in four-foot sections and most any arrangement of rooms can be had. For a temporary home they will help out until the carpenters are cleaned up on contracts which they are now working on.
Each week sees the completion of a dwelling house in some part of Lusk and to keep posted on the new homes would be a hard job.
The oil companies are erecting roomy quarters on the north side of the railroad track to take care of their men. There are also large buildings to house trucks and supplies, and altogether they have done considerable building.
The more weather we have in the future like unto the past month the more progress will be made by the builders. This stretch of weather has certainly been a god send to Lusk and when the spring rush begins the old town will be well on the road to being able to care for the new people who will naturally come here.
There are many building projects lined up now which will be started as soon as the frost is out of the ground. It is reported on good authority that several of our old time merchants intend erecting modern structures on the site of their old buildings. Then there will be a couple of buildings erected by outside capital and the new bank building which will be erected just north of the Masonic temple by local parties.
The hospital building is nearing completion, the carpenters are about through with the rough work and the plasterers are slinging mud on the laths. John Fernau is installing the heating plant which will be ready by the time the doctors are ready to whittle on their first patients.
As long as it is a settled fact that our oil fields are the largest in the state and Lusk is going to be the main supply point. It is up to the city dads to meet the demand created by the avalanche of people coming to town every day. There are several people contemplating the building of homes in the various additions to Lusk but hesitate on account of water and sewer and as soon as this demand is met you will see many residences going up in Capitol Hill. Several people have bought lots there with the intention of erecting modern homes and are only waiting for the sewer and water mains to be laid. The town is growing but it has only started on a healthy boom that will keep the public service department of our city busy to keep pace. We have got to have these improvements and there is no use in putting it off any longer.
Lusk is due to have another show house.
Some of our local people believe it would be a paying venture and have already started the ball rolling and mean to keep busy until they have accomplished their goal.
Mr. H. E. Hancock is around with a subscription list, selling stock at $50 per share and is meeting with more good luck than he anticipated.
The capitalization will be $7,500, divided up into 150 shares and you can take as many as you want at $50 apiece.
The new building will be used for both a show house and dance hall and will he large enough to accommodate all public gatherings. The floor space will be 50x100 with a stage 50x25. A balcony will be built all the way around, with a neat interior finish. The outside will be a stucco finish, and the building will be of a neat architectural design. The site has not yet been selected but it is intended to have the building where it will be convenient to the public.
The venture ought to prove a winner for the stockholders and will certainly fill a long felt want in Lusk.
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | Fernau, John (07/17/1878 - 05/11/1931) | View Record | Obituary | Rogers, Harry (07/24/1868 - 10/13/1935) | View Record | Obituary | Newell, John (10/10/1868 - 07/23/1954) | View Record |