Davin, Peter R. Family History
by Mrs. Frances Bryant Bertha Dryer
Peter R. Davin was born Nov. 11, 1864 in Pennsylvania, a few weeks after his parents' arrival there from Ireland. The following year, the family came west, traveling in a covered wagon with an ox team. They homesteaded near what is now Junction City, Kan.
In 1886 Peter Davin helped William Bradley trail his cattle from Kansas to his new location near Lusk. Pete went to work at the Rawhide Stage Station, caring for the stage teams.
Mary Pinkerton came from Iowa in 1888 to visit her brother, Will Pinkerton, who had homesteaded north of Manville. She went to work at the Rawhide Stage Station. Here she met Pete Davin and they were married in 1889. He filed on a homestead some three miles northwest of Manville and here they established their home. Their daughter Elizabeth was born here Dec. 5, 1890.
In the early 90's, the homestead shack was replaced by a warm log cabin. Their daughter, Frances was born here in 1893.
This building is still standing in very good condition.
They built a prosperous farm, adding some of the surrounding land from time to time. Some of the places they purchased were the homesteads of W.R. Dryer, Jack Rooney, George Hoffman and J. T. Williams.
Mr. Davin was a good farmer and raised and sold a large amount of grain and potatoes. He also raised white-faced cattle.
In July, 1909, while branding colts, Mr. Davin was injured. He received a broken leg and possibly other injuries. He seemed to be recovering nicely, when he passed away suddenly on July 26, 1909.
Mrs. Davin continued to operate the place with the help of her daughters. In 1919 she moved into Manville where she spent her last days. She died April 6, 1935 at the age of 72 years.
The place is still in the hands of the family, being operated by their daughter, Frances and her husband, Dave Bryant. Their daughter, Elizabeth, was married to George Sharp. She died in March 1971.
(Frances Davin Bryant died Aug. 3, 1973. Allen Moore, son-in-law of Albert Heine lives on the place now. Dave Bryant has since died.)
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | Davin, Peter (11/11/1864 - 07/26/1909) | View Record | Obituary | Davin, Mary (03/01/1863 - 04/05/1935) | View Record |