Hahn, Reuben and Ruby
by Rueben Hahn
I, Reuben Hahn, came to Van Tassell in October, 1919 with my father who purchased 320 acres of land homesteaded by Frank Free, four miles north of Van Tassell.
It was the next spring I moved from Broadwater, Nebr. to Van Tassell, Wyo. in an emigrant car to Coffee Siding three miles east of Van Tassell, April 3, 1920. In this freight car I had two work horses, one saddle horse, one International tractor (called the Titan Tractor) and also my meager household goods and bedding to make up a bachelor quarters.
The evening the car was spotted at the Siding, I unloaded the horses and before I could get other articles unloaded a severe blizzard came in. For two nights and two days the storm raged and on until noon the third day. I lived all this time on cold food and my only means of keeping warm was the bedding I had with me, no heat of any kind. After the snow and wind had spent itself I started on the 3 mile walk to Van Tassell. There I found help to get everything up to the farm 3 1/2 miles north of Van Tassell. The house there was a tar paper 10 by 12 feet, which was my home for two years. I took care of the place for my father for four years and with my wages, saved enough to purchase 44 cows from him (he decided to leave the place to me). At this time I paid $25 per head for the cows. I broke up several acres of prairie with the tractor and plow. Because of crop failures and losing pasture leases I decided to move to a new location.
It was my good fortune to meet a school teacher during my stay north of Van Tassell. Her name was Ruby Benshoof, we were married May 1, 1926. That year we purchased the Frank Rider ranch 5 1/2 miles east of Jay Em, and moved there in May 1927, when our oldest boy, Merle, was two months old.
It was. a financial struggle through the first years of our married life. We milked many cows, raised hogs, chickens, turkeys, and sheep, and stock cows. During the depression of the 30's we sold hogs for 3¢ per pound, calves 8¢ per pound, cows as high as $13 each, cream 12¢ per pound, eggs 10¢ per dozen and land $3 and $4 per acre. We lived on our own produce and had to depend on government assistance to get our taxes paid. With prices as they were no one had any money. With the little from cream and eggs we bought sugar, flour, salt and coffee and the grocery list ended there.
By 1937 our family had grown to four children, two boys and two girls. They were all 4-H members as soon as they reached the eligible age. I was 4-H leader for ten years and Ruby was a leader for six years. I was a school board director for six years. We were members (also the children) of the Prairie Center Congregational Church, later attended church in Jay Em, and now are members of the United Methodist Church in Torrington.
Our four children are all married and have families. We have 12 grandchildren. Merle is in Lusk, Wayne at Torrington, Bernita at Billings, Mont and Arlene at Newcastle.
We sold part of our ranch near Jay Em where we had spent 41 years of raising cattle, hay, sheep, chickens and also keeping busy with community activities.
During those years our neighbors and friends in the ranch country are like family to us. Those were the years our family grew up with the usual ups and downs and now we are in Torrington and have been here for one year (1969).
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | Hahn, Reuben (11/17/1898 - 02/22/1985) | View Record | Obituary | Hahn, Ruby (10/27/1901 - 07/18/1996) | View Record |