Seaman-McKenzie Wedding 1893
by Milton Whitman
The marriage of Samuel R. Seaman with Sarah M. McKenzie at the residence of the grandparents at Hat Creek was the occasion of quite a brilliant wedding and social gathering. Invitations had been sent and early on the evening of Oct. 4, the date of the happy event, the guests began to arrive.
They came from far and near, some in vehicles, some on horses.
The officiating clergyman was the first to arrive on the ground, and as this was to be his first wedding in Wyoming, he was naturally somewhat curious to see how they did things in this western country. His curiosity was abundantly satisfied before the evening was over. It was about eight o'clock before all the guests had arrived and preparations for the marriage ceremony were completed.
Then the bridal pair presented themselves before the assembled company and the officiating minister, Rev. G. VanBlarcom of the Lusk Congregational Church, and in a brief ceremony were united in wedlock. The ring was used which is a very appropriate part of the marriage service.
The bride was very tastefully attired and looked quite charming in her becoming costume. The bridegroom is indeed to be congratulated on having secured such a companion for the journey of life. After the couple had been presented to the company as Mr. and Mrs. Seaman, congratulations were in order and they were showered on the happy pair in a generous and hearty manner.
Then came dancing for about an hour or so - just exercise enough to give the company a good appetite for the bountiful supper that was served later. The minister, it was noticed, did not take part in the dancing, but when it came to the supper he seemed to have as good an appetite as any present. The writer can speak for him saying that he went away from his first wedding in Wyoming well pleased with Western hospitality.
After supper was served the company still lingered for the further enjoyment of the occasion and it must have been broad daylight before the last of the wedding guests had departed, wishing the young couple many happy years of wedded life. The bride was made the recipient of many valuable and useful presents.
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | Seaman, Samuel (01/09/1865 - 09/11/1942) | View Record | Obituary | Seaman, Sarah (04/30/1877 - 04/03/1944) | View Record |