Historical Details

Walts, Lee Syvanus

Courtesy of Our Heritage: Niobrarans and Neighbors, 01/25/2021


by Mary L. Tschacher

Lee Walts was born in Nodaway County, Missouri, Dec. 22, 1881, the son of James Henry and Maggie Cummins Walts.

While a young man he moved to western Nebraska where he was engaged in construction work for a number of years.

He and Nancy (Nettie) Veknette Musfeldt were married in Rushville, Nebr. in 1901. Nettie was the wife of John Musfeldt, the homesteader who was shot in the back while working in the field, that is written about in the book "Old Jules" by Marie Sandoz.

The family lived in various parts of Nebraska while the children, young John Musfelt, Gladys and Clinton were growing up. John married Jozlia Dieriex in 1914. There were five children born to this marriage.

Zene John deceased, Edward Alvin, Mile Han­ford, William Lawrence, and Frances Lee, deceased. Jozina passed away Jan. 3, 1923. John married Neil Kennedy in 1925 and to this marriage 10 children were born:  Faye Irene, James Eldon, Georgia Anna, Floyd Allen, Raymond Lee, Melvin Roy, Marjorie Jean, John Jr., Rose Eileen and Betty June.

Glayds Walts married Arthur Ferris in 1926. To this marriage 7 children were born. Elsie Johnson, of Phoenix, Arz.; Mary Tschacher of Manville, Wyo.; Clifford Dale of Lusk, Wyo.; James Arthur of New­castle, Wyo.; Billy Gene of National City, Calif.; and Lawrence Wayne of Torrington, Wyo.   Carol Ann, and Robert Lee passed away in 1957. There are 10 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Art passed away in 1968.

In 1932 Lee, Nettie and Clinton came to Wyoming, where both Lee and Clinton homesteaded north of Hat Creek.  The land joined the late Christ Ruffing land. Net­tie passed away Feb. 13, 1933.

Clinton served several years in the armed forces during World War II.    He met and married Minnie Nelson while he was in the Army. They lived on the homestead north of Hat Creek for many years after their return to Wyoming from the Army.

They are now retired and live in Lusk.

Lee passed away March 26, 1959 at the home of his daughter, Gladys Ferris in Man­ville.

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Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Obituary Walts, Lee (12/22/1881 - 03/26/1959) View Record
Obituary Walts, Nancy (11/30/1866 - 02/15/1933) View Record