Node Homemakers Club
Node Wyoming had a post office, 2 restaurants, lumber yard, coal bin, pool hall, livery stable, 2 Churches, School house, blacksmith shop, 3 grocery stores, a dance hall and saloon, good railroad service, and Node Homemakers.
Around 1918 the first extension work was with the Farm Bureau, which led into Node Homemakers being organized. The first meeting was held in March of 1918. Mutual Helpfulness was Node Homemaker’s motto in 1930. The first yearbooks were printed in 1930, and Mrs. R.O. Bump preserved Node Homemakers Club Year Books from 1930 to 1964. Mrs. Bump was one of the oldest settlers in the country.
Goals in the 1930 Node Homemakers Club Year Book
1. To put Node on the map
2. To send representatives to the summer Camp at Gareyhurst this summer
3. To raise flowers in every garden
4. To have more co-operation
The 11 charter members of Node Homemakers were: Mable Kaan, Vivian Kaan, Edith Kaan, Ester Sabin, Mary Bump, Myrtle Lund, Mary Sturman, Elsie Paisley, Dorthea Baars, Ella Dean and Mr. & Mrs. R.S. Bell.
Node Homemakers filled a real social need for the women of the community, members rarely missed a meeting. On meeting day, usually the whole family went early, had dinner and stayed late. Children played together, and men played cards or horseshoes, while the ladies enjoyed visiting, sewing or knitting for the Red Cross. They often quilted, or made tea towels for the hostess, (sometimes called the Mistress of Ceremonies). Mrs. Charles Lund, Sr., at one time in the early thirties, when roads were bad, walked the deep snow from her home, eight miles to Sturman’s, for a meeting. Kathryn Lund in 1981 was honored for 40 years of Node Homemaking.
A $5.00 donation to Red Cross and Cancer Funds was given in 1965, and a donation was often given to crippled children, March of Dimes, or a Heart Fund, Cancer Crusade or, Pennies for Friendship. Minnie Butler in 1966 voted to give $3.00 to Multiple Sclerosis, Members swabbed throats for throat cultures in 1973. In 2004 Marion Browder’s son, Mike Browder was serving in Iraq, Node Homemakers sent basketballs, footballs, decks of cards, and packets of power drinks to the troops. In 1984 they even contributed to the renovation of the Statue of Liberty. In 1985 The National Extension Homemakers Council honored Node Homemakers with a certificate for being in existence for 68 years, along with the Manville Homemakers for 55 years, and the Divide Tumbleweed Club for 50 years. Operation Underground Railroad, World Vision and others are recent recipients of donations from Node Homemakers, by funds created from fun Super Bowl Soup and Bake Sales. The last donation given to Operation Underground Railroad was $561.75. This donation was matched by anonymous donors. We have passion for our endeavors, and will always to be proud, benevolent Node Homemakers.
More than numerous certificates, ribbons, parties, meetings, cultural arts, bingo parties, Achievement Days, Susan J. Queley awards, Spring Teas, Homemakers of the Year, Outstanding Homemakers, Christmas Bazaars, County and State Fairs, Patrick Day Scholarship Luncheons and Anniversaries are charted throughout strict, dusty record books, along with favorite people I know. Fair goers come year after year for a piece of homemaker’s homemade pie at Niobrara County Fair.
Lucky members of Node Homemakers in 2002: Iva Butler, Elaine Canfield, Kenny Canfield, Mary Rose Freeman, Kay Holmes, Trell and Maggie Elliott, Kelli Holmes, Jean and Henry Krejci, Carmen Shane, Carla Stroh, and Dorothy Vollmer. Quite a crew, if you ask me. Minnie Butler in 1980 celebrated 52 years with Node Homemakers, and Kelli Holmes is selected as 1990 Outstanding County Homemaker.
The 100th year Anniversary Ceremony of Node Homemakers, despite poor, freezing weather, was an event so worth attending. The party was held in the Node School House, (now the Node Church), the exact building the first Node Homemakers meeting was held. Members during the time of this party were Heather Polen-President, Dawn Gaukel-Secretary/Treasurer, Terry Brancacio, Stephanie Smith, Glenda Smith, Jeanine Larson, Virginia Stuart, Carrie Olson and Carmen Shane (honorary member). The decorations were brown with turquoise. A prayer was said and Node School House was alive.
Node Homemakers have humbly tried to go beyond expected. During the 2022 Achievement Day, hosted by Node Homemakers, hear tell, Niobrara County Homemakers Council were made to feel like the queens they are.
Mutual Helpfulness continues to be our motto.
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