Francis Joan Dick
Mrs. Joan Dick Dies Here Sun.
Mrs. Francis Joan Dick, 54, died in the Spencer Hospital early Sunday morning. She had been hospitalized only a few hours before, but had been in ill health for several years.
Funeral services were held from the Peet Chapel Monday afternoon with the Rev. Frank Bozart, pastor of the Lusk Open Bible Church, in charge. Mrs. Lyle Eddy and Mrs. Emerson Bonner sang "Abide With Me" and "Beautiful Isle." Mrs. A.F. DeCastro was organist.
Casket bearers were: C.E. Marvin, Charles Hitschew, Fred Hansen, Woodson Graham, Z.B. Crinklaw and V.W. Wingren.
Burial was in the Lusk cemetery.
Francis Joan MacPherson was born in Battle Creek, Mich. August 22, 1906 to Roy K. and Elizabeth MacPherson. In 1920 Mrs. Dick moved to Wyoming with her parents and for many years they lived in Crook County.
On June 28, 1935 she and Frank Dick were married. Mr. Dick died in 1943.
She was preceded in death by her parents and one brother. Surviving are: four brothers, Ellis and Lindsay of Portland, Ore., Benton of Oakland, Calif., Jack of Phoenix, Ariz.; two sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Ondriezck of Upton, Marjory Winkle of Cheyenne.
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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Obituary | MacPherson, Elizabeth (11/30/-0001 - 05/02/1953) | View Record | Obituary | Hester, Lillian (11/30/1906 - 09/21/1907) | View Record | Obituary | MacPherson, Roy (07/05/1877 - 12/13/1956) | View Record | Obituary | Dick, Frank (08/24/1884 - 02/23/1940) | View Record |