Obituary Details

John J. Keenan

(11/30/-0001 - 11/09/1920)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 11/12/1920

John Keenan Meets Sudden Death in Fall

John J. Keenan, and old time freighter out of Lusk to the oil fields, met sudden death Tuesday afternoon while on his way to Lusk with a heavy load of easing from the field.

Mr. Keenan for sometime past has been using an eight horse hitch on the road and it was while driving this string of horses that he met with this fatal accident.

In falling his body dropped squarely in front of the front wheel on the right hand side of the wagon, and there rested and acted as a break against the wheel, the wagon not passing over the body, but merely ran against him and crushed the ribs on the right side completely.

He was wearing a new sheep skin coat of strong texture and the impact of the load was so great that the goods was badly ripped.

This accident occurred about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a mile north of the Harnegal ranch. Word of the accident did not reach Coroner Kuntz until about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the body lying under the wheel all this time. When found Mr. Keenan had one line tied around his wrist, which, his friends say, he was not in the habit of doing.

During the time the body lay in the road several cars passed the outfit, but on the opposite side of the wagon from which the body was lying, and with their side curtains on it was impossible for the occupants to see him.

The body was brought to the Austin Elquest, Slack undertaking parlors Tuesday night where it was prepaed for burial by Coroner Kuntz.

Mr. Keenan was about 55 years of age, and is well known around Lusk. He resided in Lance Creek, from which point he has been freighting since the oil fie1ds were opened. He was born in Springfield, Ohio.

The Keenan boys who took part in riding contests at various exhibitions, are sons of the deceased.

It has not been decided just where he will be buried, but most likely interment will be made in the Lusk cemetery.

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