Obituary Details

Dr. John Frederick Christensen

(11/17/1880 - 01/28/1957)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 01/31/1957

Beloved, Early Day Manville Doctor Dies in Colorado

Dr. John S. Christensen, 75, a much beloved, early day doctor in Manville between 1908 and 1925, died in Boulder, Colo. of a heart attack January 28.

For 17 years Dr. Christensen was on call for the people of Manville and vicinity, and old time residents of the community can well recall the trying years he put in there. One event particularly stands out in the memory of his friends in this area. During World War I, when the great flu epidemic hit Manville, residents say that for two solid weeks Dr. Christensen never went to bed but only took short naps in his car.

In addition to his practice he operated a drug store in Manville.

While a resident of Manville he met and married Louise Cook who with their daughter, Jean, survives.

After leaving Manville in 1925 he moved to Kelso, Wash., where he practiced until his retirement about a year ago. After his retirement he and Mrs. Christensen moved to Boulder.

Images & Attachments

Photo courtesy of photographer Betty L. Gonzales, . This gravestone is located at Crown Hill Cemetery, Wheatridge, Jefferson County, Colorado.

Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Obituary Cook, William (02/14/1860 - 03/09/1945) View Record
Cemetery Record CHRISTENSEN, JOHN View Record
Business Physician: Dr. John F. Christensen View Record