Obituary Details

Aimee Collins

(0 - 04/14/1904)
Courtesy of Converse County Herald, 04/21/1904


Died, at Long Pine, Nebraska, April 14,1904, Miss Aimee Collins, daughter of Albert Collins, aged 30 years and 10 months, after an illness of about eight weeks. When deceased was taken ill no one thought for a moment that he condition was critical, but that a change of climate would do her more good than would any medicine, so her people here had her sent to the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Murphy, old friends of hers at Long Pine. For a time she seemed to improve, then grew worse and a specialist and trained nurse were secured for her from Omaha, but her condition baffled medical science until a week ago last Saturday, when a physician discovered an impaction of gall stones in the small intestine and after a treatment of 48 hours 72 were removed from her system. A post mortem was held and it was found the liver and a portion of the intestines had grown together thus making it clear that death was caused by bowel trouble.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. T.W. DeLong, an old friend and pastor of the deceased, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Ainsworth cemetery beside those of her sister. Cut flowers, tokens of love and esteem from her friends in Lusk and Ainsworth, covered the casket. In speaking of the life of Miss Collins, Rev. DeLong, who, like the writer, had known her from childhood, said in part:

"She hath done what she could. I have chosen these words as descriptive of Aimee Collins. There are words of high praise.

To do what we can is to do well-to do exceedingly well. And yet I choose the words to apply to Aimee. To give the best we have , however quietly, however ostentatiously, however humbly, is to do what we can. Here was a girl who gave her life --and surely that is the best we h ave--to the service of others, to make a home for her brothers and for her father, and to be a mother to a motherless child. And we know that she did it cheerfully, patiently, gladly. Do you tell me that is not a great thing to do? I tell you it is a noble thing--a thing deserving of recognition of praise, she did it because it was her duty, because her heart prompted her to do it. Aimee might be chosen as a type of the faithful in the sphere in which Providence cast her lot--restricted the lot, but faithful and noble the service. it is the faithful, cheerful devotion to duty, the the unselfish spirit, the loving service that makes life a thing to be resurrected and admired. It is a beautiful thing to h ave such a lesson wafted back to us from one who for the early years of her life sojourned among us."

It seems no words of ours could better describe the life and character of Miss Collins than these from her old friend, and her memory and character will ever be an inspiration to those who for the past six years have known and loved her, and their sympathy is extended to those who are left to mourn. 

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