Obituary Details

Steven Merle Jewett

(04/08/1922 - 09/22/1935)
Courtesy of The Lusk Herald, 09/26/1935

Steven Merle Jewett, 13, Dies at the Lusk Hospital Sunday Eve, After Brief Illness

Steven Merle Jewett, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jewett of the Jay Em community, died at the Lusk Hospital Sunday evening, September 22, at 9:30 p.m., of a complication the nature of which has not yet been determined.

He had apparently been in the best of health until a Few days ago when he complained and was taken to the Lusk Hospital for treatment. Neither his parents nor his friends realized that he was in a serious condition until last Sunday morning, when he failed to respond to the doctor's treatment and gradually grew worse until 9:30 p.m., when he passed away.

Dr. Reckling and Dr. Hassad preformed a post mortem, but as yet have not made their findings public.

Funeral services were held in the Jay Em Hall at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, September 24th, in charge of the Peet Mortuary of Lusk. Rev. Woodward, Presbyterian minister of Ft. Laramie officiated at the services. An unusual, yet touching feature of the funeral ceremony was introduced when the boy's favorite black and white pinto pony, saddled, was taken to the cemetery and at the proper time was presented, and the song "Old Faithful" was rendered by Mrs. Charles Bass. The boy and his pony had been inseparable for some time. 

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