Obituary Details

Lloyd Delbert Holsapple

(11/30/-0001 - 06/14/1962)
Courtesy of No Source Available, 08/23/1962

Lloyd Holsapple Dies At Tulsa June 14

Details have just been received here of the death of Lloyd Delbert Holsapple, 61, former early resident of Lusk, and of late head of the Sinclair Oil & Gas Co. unitization and part-interest department since its formation at Tulsa in 1960.

He died June 14 at his home in Tulsa after having been ill since February. He had lived in Tulsa since 1952 and had been with Sinclair 40 years. In 1952 he took a leave of absence to serve as special assistant in the office of Petroleum Administration for Defense in Washington.

He was a native of Lusk and attended the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Surviving are his widow, Elsie; his father, E. D. Holsapple of 2151 N. Kingston Place; a daughter, Mrs. Barbara Hancock of Mountain View; a stepson, Gene Mize of San Antonio; a brother, Lawrence of Claflin, Kan., and Gainesville, Tex., both formerly of Tulsa; and three step-grandchildren.

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