Obituary Details

Harold Ketcher

(11/30/-0001 - 08/17/1926)
Courtesy of The Douglas Budget, 08/19/1926

Boy Dragged to Death By Horse

Harold, 13-year-old son of Jacob Ketcher, living three miles north of Shawnee, met a violent end Tuesday evening, when he was dragged to death by a horse. How the accident occurred is not known. The body was discovered when the horse dragged the inanimate form to near the home place. A rope was around the horse's neck and the other end had become entwined around the boy's foot. The location of the boy's hat and articles, which had dropped from his pocket showed that the body had been dragged a mile.

Neighborhood rumors that there was a possibility of fowl play led Coroner Hofmann to impanel a jury, consisting of George Ullman, W. O. Loagan and Charles Hunt. Thorough investigation showed that the death was accidental.

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