The Friends of the Niobrara County Library
The Friends of the Niobrara County Library, Inc. was established in 1990 as a support organization for the Niobrara County Library.
Friends are active in many ways:
- Christmas Cookie & Candy Sale – First Wednesday of December of each year
- Reading is Fun! : Held each year for the area’s youth.
- Amazon Smile: A percentage of your purchase benefits the Friends of the Niobrara County Library, Inc.
- Annual Ice Cream Social and Book Sale : held during Alumni Weekend, last full weekend in June each year.
- Collector of Decker’s Receipts : for every $150,000 raised in receipts the local grocery store donates $1000 to the organization.
- Sponsor of Dial-a-Story : Call in and hear a story today – read by local volunteers – (307) 334-3274.
- Sponsors Dolly Parton Imagination Library