Property Details

228 S Main

Block: 5
Lot: 14
Legal: LUSK OT BLK 5 LOT 14

Mrs. Warren Deuel recently purchased the furnishings of the Lusk Hotel from Thos. S. Beach and assumed management of the hotel on the first of the month.

The Lusk Herald, August 5, 1943

Businesses at This Property

Date Range Business Owner Type Notes
- Lusk, Frank S.
- *Paul B. Godfrey, T. A. Godfrey, Florence Godfrey to Anna O. Bridge Agreement
- *C. Brown Judge to Lusk Motor Company
03/02/1908 - Demmon, O. J. Warranty Deed
08/20/1910 - Forsythe, G. C. Warranty Deed *Lots 13 & 14 - Lusk Hotel Upstairs
05/09/1917 - Rogers, Harry R., et al Warranty Deed *Lusk Hotel upstaris - Anna Bridge
10/30/1917 - Boyd, George W. Warranty Deed *XL Café & Billards - Bill and Judy Henritze, Lester Palmer manager
05/09/1919 - Sorenson, Lula Warranty Deed Louise Bowman, Proprietor XL Café, 5/7/1931
11/20/1920 - Johnston, H. C. Warranty Deed
03/24/1928 - Templeton, H. J. Lease
06/25/1956 - Lusk Hotel (2nd floor) Zella Siepp
06/25/1956 - *Siepp to Bridge
03/01/1965 - Erickson & Co. Godfrey, Paul Lease Lease to M. H. Beernbaum & Robert Erickson - N Portion of Street Level
10/21/1971 - Fernau, Harry J. Warranty Deed
04/13/1981 - Ben Franklin Store George Dixon, et ux Sheriff's Deed
07/11/2008 - Rawhide Drug Co. Warranty Deed
12/19/2014 - Bemis, Kirk F., et ux Warranty Deed
12/19/2014 - New Life in Christ Baptist Church New Life in Christ Baptist Church Warranty Deed

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