Property Details


Block: 2
Lot: 7
Legal: LUSK OT BLK 2 LOTS 7-8

Lot notes:

Leased to Wesco Theatre, Inc., 05/06/1952

Wesco leased to Melven E. Meier, et ux, 05/28/1953

  • Theater - Main Floor
  • Dance Hall & Merry Whirl - Upstairs
  • Bowling Alley - Basement

Businesses at This Property

Date Range Business Owner Type Notes
- Lusk, Frank S.
- Caboose Park Western R. R. Properties / Chemical Bank
- Mosley, Mary Edith
07/19/1886 - Western Town Lot Co.
09/17/1887 - Pioneer Townsite Co.
10/04/1901 - Bare, Mary
02/28/1919 - Lilly, L.
01/03/1923 - Lusk Building Corp.
02/24/1923 - Joss, Sheriff Chris
08/29/1923 - Petz, Henry
02/25/1924 - Highland Realty Co.
02/25/1924 - Needmore Cattle Co.
11/29/1933 - Petz, Henry Leased to Wesco Theatre Inc (5/6/1952), Wesco leased to Melvin E. Meier, et ux, (5/28/1953); Theater main floor, upstairs Dance Hall, Merry Whirl and basement, Bowling Alley
12/29/1960 - Guthrie, Judge Rodney M. Decree
12/02/1968 - Rogers, Sheriff Harold E.
10/02/1969 - Alexander, Greta P.
09/06/1984 - Western Railroad Properties, Inc.
12/20/1990 - Chemical Bank Deed of Trust

Images & Attachments


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