Property Details


Block: 6
Lot: 14
Legal: LUSK OT BLK 6 LOT 14 S 14.5'; LOTS 15-16-17

Karvin Kilmer - Office - Financial Advisor

Flower Shop (Ellis?)


November 26, 1919 - Masonic Building Top Floor

north - Salisbury - Minter Men's Clothing Store

County Offices

S. Side - Strand Theater, first floor


Image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook:

Benjamin Franklin would no doubt consider as enterprising an institution as the BEN FRANKLIN STORE a fine tribute to his memory.

Being served are Evelyn Tibbits, Betty and LaVonne Munsinger. The smiling manager, not shown, is Bill Shipp.

Businesses at This Property

Date Range Business Owner Type Notes
- Lusk, Frank S.
11/16/1887 - Cooper, Job A. (Trustee) Warranty Deed 1/2 Interest
04/16/1894 - German National Bank Quit Claim Deed 1/2 Interest
09/11/1905 - Goddard, D. E. Warranty Deed
12/15/1910 - Harmony Lodge #24 Warranty Deed
06/15/1937 - Hogan, William E. Warranty Deed
07/02/1940 - J. C. Penney J. C. Penney Co. Lease Agreement: 09/06/1910 North 10' 6"
09/05/1940 - Custer Lodge #21 Deed Admin. Deed
05/09/1946 - Edmondson, W. W., et ux Warranty Deed S 14' 1/2 ft.
12/11/1952 - Kilmer Corporation Warranty Deed S 14' 1/2 ft.
04/15/1959 - Stockman's National Bank Stockman's National Bank Warranty Deed S 14' 1/2 ft.
06/28/1978 - Ben Franklin Dixon, M. Ardeth, et vir Warranty Deed N 10 1/2 ft.

Images & Attachments

Image from 1947 Lusk High School yearbook

Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Business J. C. Penney View Record
Business Ben Franklin View Record