Property Details

216 S Main

Block: 5
Lot: 8
Legal: LUSK OT BLK 5 LOT 8

Furniture Store in this lot in 1904

Foster Rogers had a Drug Store in this location.

Other businesses in this location included a Dentist Office & Eye Doctor.

The Dairy Bar was in this location

Mary's Beauty Shop was upstairs, 1/3/1950

Businesses at This Property

Date Range Business Owner Type Notes
- Parker, J. G.
- Lusk, Frank S.
07/24/1893 - Reynolds, Wm. Warranty Deed
05/06/1895 - Shoop, James A. Warranty Deed
12/28/1896 - Hargraves, Matthew Warranty Deed
06/04/1900 - Deuel, Frank Warranty Deed
07/15/1902 - Jones, Edw. G. Warranty Deed
10/15/1904 - Furniture Grant, Theron G. Warranty Deed
01/11/1909 - Mayes, Elizabeth Warranty Deed
07/24/1933 - Drug Store Rogers, Foster R. Warranty Deed Foster Rogers to Harol Scriven, Dentist Office - Eye Doctor, Dairy Bar, Mary's Beauty Shop (upstairs)
09/30/1950 - Drug Store Lamb, Martha B. Warranty Deed
02/23/1959 - Kilmer Corporation Lease
03/01/1959 - Lauer, Arthur A. Sub-Lease
12/29/1971 - Hollon, Donabelle Warranty Deed
12/27/1975 - University of Wyoming Foundation Deed of Gift
09/02/1979 - SIC Inc. Warranty Deed
03/24/1980 - Eggebroten, Larry I., et ux Warranty Deed
02/22/1989 - Meier, Dennis C. Warranty Deed
02/23/2000 - Pizza Place Wagner, William H. Warranty Deed
01/25/2001 - Pizza Place Wagner, Bradley D. Warranty Deed
4/18/1960, 10/18/1967 - Foley, Edith Assignment

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Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Business Cafes and Restaurants: Archie's Dairy Bar View Record
Business Rawhide Creek Coffee Company View Record