The movie, “Transformers” will be shown at the library on Thursday, August 21. Based on the successful cartoon from the 80s, this action adventure pits the Autobots against the evil Decepticons. When the two intergalactic races wage war, they choose Earth as their battleground. Lots of entertainment is to be had as the machines change shape between cars, trucks, planes and other technological creations. This film is longer at 143 minutes.
The Friends of the Library will be sponsoring the Cody Landstrom Magic Show as a Back-to-School program on Wednesday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m. The show is slated to be held on the library lawn, however if the weather is not agreeable the program will be held at LEMS. All of the children in attendance will receive their very own book to keep as a gift from the Friends of the Library. Plan now to attend!
Maxine is on the cusp of a new life. She is about to marry Charles – mature, grounded, and present – however Blake Williams, a.k.a The Rogue and her ex-husband enters the picture again, he is a man capable of doing anything – except change. Who will she choose in “The Rogue,” Danielle Steel’s newest novel?
Other new fiction books are “Return to Summerhouse” by Jude Deveraux, “Death Angel” by Linda Howard, “The Tenth Gift” by Jane Johnson, “The Dark of Day” by Barbara Parker and “The Sugar Queen” by Sarah Addison Allen.
New adult non-fiction includes “Amazing Honey, Garlic, & Vinegar Home Remedies & Recipes: the People’s Guide to Nature’s Wonder Medicines”
New young adult books are “Masquerade” by Melissa de la Cruz and “The Final Eclipse” by Lynne Ewing.
The Lennea Lewis Slagle Children’s Library has these new junior books, “My New Best Friend” by Julie Bowe and “Dr. Carbles is Losing His Marbles” by Dan Gutman. New easy titles are “Don’t Worry Bear” by Greg Foley, “The Wolves are Back” by Jean Craighead George, “Mrs. Muddle’s Holiday” by Laura F. Nielson and “The River” by Brigitte Sidjanski.
“Back To School” is the theme for Storyhour on Tuesday, August 19, 2008 and Thursday, August 21, 2008. Storyhour is held each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 11 a.m. for children ages 3 through kindergarten throughout the year.
334-3274 is the Dial-A-Story number. Dial-A-Story is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Dial in and hear an exciting story today!
After 24 years we are able to begin binding The Lusk Herald newspapers again, we are missing some issues in the time period of 1984 through 1994, if you happen to have any issues in this range and would consider donating them please stop by.