FBLA Treasurer Zack Stephens presents Leslie Hammond, Niobrara County Library Foundation Chairperson and Ted Holman, Library Board Chairman with a check for $437 from the Blue Jeans for Books community service project. With the state’s 3:1 match, the $437 will translate into $1,748 for the Library Endowment Fund. FBLA members collected donations from high school staff members who paid $20 to wear blue jeans on Fridays during the 4th quarter. Participating in the project were (front from left) Deneese Henry and Stephens. (Second row) Kristy DeGering, Kaylee Seeds and Aleshia Barndt (Third row) Krista Hanson, Amy Bergstrom, Ian Zerbe, Abbey Larson, and Rishell Lizasuain. (Back) Matthew VandeBossche and Colter Larson.