Business Details

Auto Dealer: Boyd Chevrolet

Lusk Free Lance, August 20, 1931


Open Authorized Chevrolet Sales and service in Remodeled Hitshew Building.
Negotiations, which have been going on for the past several weeks, were concluded last Saturday, when the interests of the Midwest Motor Company, as local authorized Chevrolet dealers, were purchased by the Boyd Chevrolet, Inc., a new Lusk organization, composed of S.W. "Dade" Boyd, Wm. and George Mill. The Midwest Motor Company is headed by Henry Bredthauer.

The Boyd Chevrolet will have headquarters in the Hitshew building, just east of the Henry hotel, which was recently vacated by the Niobrara Motor company. The building has undergone a thorough renovation and considerable improvement has been made including the housing of a large office, sales and display room.

Besides being authorized dealers for Chevrolet motor cars, the new organization will carry and has already stocked a complete line of parts and accessories for the convenience of Chevrolet users. Gasoline and oils will also be available. A repair shop will be maintained in connection with the sales service and expert mechanics will be employed to do the work.

Mr. Boyd, president-manager of the concern, is well known to many Lusk and Niobrara county residents. He was engaged in garage business here for several years, leaving in 1923 to go to Glenrock, where he owned and operated a garage business. His confidence in this particular section of the state prompted him to relocate here. Billie and George Mill need no introduction from us, and we join their many friends in extending best wishes for their success in the new and progressive enterprise. They will be glad to meet their friends at the headquarter location.


The Lusk Herald, January 22, 1942

"Boyd Chevrolet Co. moves February 1st to building 2 blocks north of C. & N. W. Depot now Boyd Body and Fender Shop.

The curtailment of production of automobiles and tires make it necessary for us to reduce expenses and this can best be done by combining our two plants under one roof, whereby we hope to merit the business of our many patrons. 

Continuing all services to keep your auto in the best possible running condition."

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Related/Linked Records

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Obituary Boyd, Stewart (12/31/1885 - 12/20/1960) View Record
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