Business Details

Auto Dealer: Wasson Chevrolet

1947 Lusk High School Tiger Yearbook

Big day it was, with two new Chevrolet passenger cars and a Chevrolet truck in at the same time. (All were sold before dark.)

Not every day is such a banner day for WASSON CHEVROLET, INC., but every day is a busy day out back in the modern repair shop. Shirley Malmborg was only a spectator, but the working force  is made up of Mrs. Barney Birney, Richard Montgomery, Guy Brewer, Gordon Crinklaw, Clarence Hubbard, and the genial owners Guy Wasson and S.W. Boyd.

The Lusk Free Lance, March 6, 1952

The Lusk Herald, April 22, 1998

At the April town council voted to approve the purchase of the Wasson Chevrolet building and adjacent  Wasson lot for the new county shop.  The selling price of $115,000 will include $50,000 down, the rest to be amortized over five years.

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Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Property 121 E 2ND ST View Record
Obituary Wasson, Guy (05/16/1898 - 02/05/1955) View Record
Obituary Boyd, Stewart (12/31/1885 - 12/20/1960) View Record