Business Details

Lumber: Frontier Lumber Company

The Lusk Herald, April 22, 1948

Hollon Brothers Erecting Building

The Hollon brothers have begun the construction of their new warehouse and retail sales room at their lumber yard in southeast Lusk and hope to  have it completed by early summer.

They will also construct an additional 22x60 ft, Lumber shed. The warehouse and sales room is a structure 22x120 feet and will have a modernistic rounded front facing west on Oak street.

In fact, the entire facilities of Hollon Cement & Forest products are being expanded The latest and most modern equipment has just recently been installed to manufacture cement blocks of all kinds and those are kiln-treated. The kiln is also now ready to use in the processing of lumber, so that the firm will be able to supply either kiln-dried or weather dried lumber.

The firm is taking the entire production of one saw mill in the Laramie Peak region, as well as buying lumber from other sources.

Lusk Herald, March 13, 1969

Frontier Lumber Co. Will Complete Its Move

Frontier Lumber Co. will complete its move into the former Foster Lumber Co. building this week and will be open for business Friday.

Jerry and Ed Hollon started Frontier Lumber Co. soon after the brothers received their Army discharges following World War II.  The business started making concrete blocks in south east Lusk in the same location where the Frontier yards are now located.

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