Historical Details

County Officials Now In New Home and Doing Business As Usual

Courtesy of The Lusk Standard, 02/27/1920

The new Court House was formally turned over to the commissioners this week and is informally occupied by the various officials, each department getting located in the new quarters Monday. The new building is in a finished state and, with the exception of a few fixtures, yet to come, the place is fully equipped and business is being conducted there.

Dud Fields, the treasurer, has his office to the left of the hall as one enters from the main entrance on the south side of the building. Geo. Howes, the assessor, occupies the office just north of the treasurer's office on the west side. The east side of the hallway is occupied by the commissioners' room and the office of County Clerk, E. M Phillips. The north half of the building holds the offices of Sheriff Chris Joss, County School Superintendent Mrs. Delia Abbott Grebe, County Agricultural Agent, A. E. Hyde and Home Demonstration Agent, Miss Olca Sands. The two latter occupy the same office on the right side of the hall, Mrs. Grebe having the room the northwest corner of the building.

Clerk of Court C. C. Browning has his office and the court records on the upper floor of the building across the hall from the court room, which is beautifully and modernly equipped. In addition to the judge's bench, jury box, witness platform and a horseshoe curve rail, the enclosure being reserved for principals, attorneys and stenographer, there are 128 seats for spectators. The jury and witnesses are also provided with rooms.

In the basement is situated the Niobrara Abstract Co., which occupies the entire west half of the basement with its offices, photographing and drying rooms. Several vaults for the protection of the county and court records are provided.

The contractor was paid by the commissioners, the sum of $14,000 being turned over to him. There yet remains a small balance of $761.59. The bill for fixtures, amounting to $9860, was also paid. John Fernau, the plumber, completed his work and was paid, and Neal Kowell, who did the electrical work, states that he is square with the county. The account of Architect McDonald remains unsettled. The commissioners state that this account is being held up pending a rendering by Mr. McDonald of an itemized statement. This, it is understood, he refuses to do. The most disagreeable feature, at this time, in inspection of the new building, is the absence of a sidewalk to the main entrance from Main Street but it is understood that this will be attended to this summer when the paving session starts.

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