Obituary Details

Samuel "Sam" Roome Seaman

(01/09/1865 - 09/11/1942)
Courtesy of Family Sources, 09/10/1942


Death came peacefully to Samuel R. Seaman, long-time resident of eastern Wyoming and Sioux County, Friday of last week. Mr. Seaman had been in declining health for several months but for some time previous to his death had been feeling quite well and Friday evening had visited until a late hour with neighbors who had dropped in on a friendly call. He passed quietly away during the night of a heart attack.

Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist Church in Harrison Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty, Rev. Otto M. Fabre, a former pastor of the church coming from Oshkosh, Nebr. to deliver the funeral sermon, assisted in the pulpit by Rev. P.H. Evans of Lusk, Wyo.

Many friends and acquaintances attended the funeral. The remains were laid to rest in the Harrison cemetery.

The following obituary was prepared for publication by a friend of the family:

Samuel Roome Seaman was born in New York City January 9, 1865, son of Mary S. and Charles H. Seaman. His mother passed away when he was seventeen months of age. He was raised to manhood in the home of his father's sister, Mrs. Adele Townsend at Oyster Bay, Long Island.

He completed his education at Friends Academy in New York. While a young man Mr. Seaman worked for Strange & Brothers, a silk importing firm, and ofttimes for his faithfulness to duty he was allowed to carry the bag which contained the gold to the customhouse. In 1884 Mr. Seaman came west to Cheyenne, where he chose to become a cowboy. He came via stagecoach to what is now Lusk, Wyoming where he worked for several years for the Node ranch, some fifty-eight years ago. Later Mr. Seaman established a horse ranch inn what is now known as the Seaman Hills.

October 4, 1893, he was united in marriage to Sarah McKenzie of Hat Creek, Wyoming, and to this union four sons were born, the eldest passing away when but a few hours old, and Clement, who preceded him in death Nov. 16, 1923.

He is survived by his wife and two sons, Charles and Jasper Oliver; three grandchildren, Shirley Adele, Olita Rae, and Julia Marie Seaman; also two cousins, Misses Ada and Elizabeth Townsend, in whose home he was raised and cared for as a mother would have done. And he loved and was always thoughtful of those who were dear to him.

Mr. Seaman was a member of the Episcopalian church and a choir boy while in New York.

Sam Seaman, as neighbors and friends called him, was a true friend to his many fellowmen, a loving husband and a dear dad to his boys. Having lived in Wyoming and in this community for half a century, he was at the time of death in the raising of livestock at the ranch home with his two sons, Charlie and Ollie. So a good friend has reached the end of the trail. When life's sweet journey ends; soul and body part like friends-no quarrel, no murmurs, no delay; a kiss, a sigh and so away.

Mrs. Bill Coffee and Miss Kathleen Woodruff beautifully rendered "Holy, Holy, Holy, " "Old Rugged Cross," and "Lead Kindly Light," Mr. Seaman's favorite hymns. The floral offerings were beautiful. Pallbearers were Ira Thomas, Carl Spacht, H.H. Thompson, Hans Meng, Lou Sherrill and Fred Galbraeth. And the honorary pallbearer who rode the western range with Mr. Seaman, and who through the years have visited and talked of the fun and early life on the prairies and gathered for this "Last Round-up," were George Davis, Jim Bourret, Jim Bell, Ed Arnold, Walt Woodruff, John Pate, Marcus Nelson and Frank DeCastro.

Images & Attachments

Samuel Roome Seaman, photo courtesy of Bobbi Hladky Wade

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