Property Details

228 S Main

Block: 5
Lot: 13
Legal: LUSK OT BLK 5 LOT 13

This lot housed the XL Cafe and Billiards.

There was a Grocery Store in 1971

The Ben Franklin operated in this building in 1980

Businesses at This Property

Date Range Business Owner Type Notes
- Lusk, Frank S.
- Ranger Hotel Roy Chamberlain
- Lusk Hotel Deuel, Mrs. Warren The Lusk Hotel was on the Upper Floors of Lot 13 and 14
- Town and Country Grocery Store Harry J. Fernau, Jr.
03/02/1908 - Demmon, O. J. Warranty Deed
08/20/1910 - Forsythe, G. C. Warranty Deed *Lots 13 & 14 - Lusk Hotel Upstairs
05/09/1917 - Rogers, Harry R., et al Warranty Deed
10/30/1917 - Boyd, George W. Warranty Deed
05/09/1919 - Sorenson, Lula Warranty Deed
11/20/1920 - Johnston, H. C. Warranty Deed
08/01/1928 - XL Café & Billards Godfrey, Thurman Warranty Deed
05/31/1951 - Petz, Greta Warranty Deed
06/05/1956 - Godfrey, Florence Warranty Deed
10/21/1971 - Lusk Town & Country Grocery Store Fernau, Harry J. Warranty Deed
12/02/1971 - Lusk Town & Country, Inc. Warranty Deed
12/13/1980 - Ben Franklin Dixon, George Certificate of Purchase
12/13/1980 - 07/17/2008 Ben Franklin George and Ardith Dixon
07/17/2008 - Rawhide Drug Co., Inc. Warranty Deed
12/19/2014 - Bemis, Kirk F., et ux. Warranty Deed
12/19/2014 - New Life in Christ Baptist Church Warranty Deed

Images & Attachments



Related/Linked Records

Record Type Name
Business Cafes and Restaurants: XL Cafe & Billards View Record
Business Ben Franklin View Record
Business Hotels: Lusk Hotel View Record