Effective Monday, July 26, 2010 the hours at the Niobrara County Library will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; Wednesday the library will remain open until 7 p.m.
The lower county valuation for this fiscal year reflected in a deficit of $27,508 as compared to the 2009-2010 mill percentage of 1.5 for the library. In order to retain library services throughout the year the library board felt action needed to be taken immediately and reduced library staff hours effective July 6. After discussion during the County Budget Public hearing the 1.5 mill of $110,471 will remain; however, the County Commissioners will assume financial responsibility for the building insurance as well as the deferred compensation program for the library’s employees. For this fiscal year, reimbursement through the county general fund for library heating, some technology costs and the county-wide employee bonus program will be available to the library. New materials and programming will be possible through the support of the NCSD #1 Recreation District, the Wyoming Humanities Council and the Friends of the Library.
Niobrara County Board of Trustees are Pat Bruch, outgoing chairman; Ted Holman, incoming chairman; Carol Kilmer, Kristine Groh and incoming board member Wes VanHooshier.