The summer “Hey Kids!” program wrapped up on August 13. Seventy-one children registered for the program and 3225 library books were read; 27 children met their reading goals each week throughout the twelve-weeks. This summer the library also sponsored a similar program for teens and adults with 32 participants; 5 people met their library reading goals throughout the summer. Prizes were provided by the Friends of the Library, the Niobrara County Library Foundation, the Library Board and individual donors.
“You Can’t Take It with You” will be the featured film for the first “Every Family Has a Story” Dinner & Movie series which begins on Monday, August 30 at 6 p.m. A light meal will be available and Deane Tucker returns to facilitate the series.
There is still time to register your children for the library’s afterschool programs which begin this week. Children in grades K-2 will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays will see 3-6 grade children gathered. Call the library for more information and to register your child!
If you would like to receive email notice of library events and programs visit and scroll down the page to enter your email address.

“Pack Up the Moon” is Kristan Higgin’s latest novel. Joshua and Laura are the perfect couple. Newly married, they are wildly in love, each on a successful and rewarding career path. Then Laura is diagnosed with a terminal illness. As her disease progresses, Joshua struggles to make the most of their time left and to come to terms with a future without Laura. Laura has a plan to keep her husband moving forward. She will leave him a letter – one for every month in the year after her death that will help him through pain, anger, and denial. “Pack Up the Moon” is also available in Libby as an ebook and digital audio.
Other new fiction books are “Beyond” by Mercedes Lackey, “Sooley” by John Grisham, “Murder at Sunrise Lake” by Christine Feehan, “Lazy A Ranch” by J. E. Terrall, “Unfinished Business” by J.A. Jance, “Into the Woods” by Lander, Wyoming author Josh Soule, “Freed” by E.L. James and “Jackpot” by Stuart Woods.
“Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World” by John Philip Newell is among new nonfiction along with “Universal Human: Creating Authentic Power and New Consciousness” by Gary Zukav.
The Lennea Lewis Slagle Children’s Library has these new junior titles “Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories” by Jeff Kinney, “War and Millie McGonigle” by Karen Cushman and “Long Lost” by Jacqueline West. Newer easy books are “Dino-Gro” by Matt Myers, “All Hands on Deck! : a Deadly Hurricane, a Daring Rescue, and the Origin of the Cajun Navy” by Robert Neubecker and “Harley the Hero” by Peggy Collins.
“Our Friendly Community Helpers!” is the theme for Storyhour on Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Storyhour is held from 10 to 11 a.m. every Tuesday throughout the year. 307-334-3274 is the Dial-A-Story number, call in anytime for a recorded story! The Friends of the Library sponsor Dial-A-Story!
Register your preschool children for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library! Go to or stop by the library to register. Your child will receive a book in the mail each month until they are five-years old.
Browse the library collection by going to the online catalog, WyldCat. Click on WyldCat or enter your search on the home page at Your library card and PIN will allow you to place reserves on items including items not held in our library. Your card and Pin will also give you access to the digital libraries, Libby/Overdrive and Hoopla. Stop by the library for more information. Library hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Wednesday 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.