Hardware and Mercantile: Snyder's
The Lusk Herald, November 23, 1916
A burglar entered Snyder's store during Tuesday night, took what little cash was left in the register on the grocery side of the house and then went over to the dry goods department to do likewise. thinking that no one was around, He lit a match to enable him to work the resister the more easily and the illumination immediately aroused Chris Joss who fired his revolver, scaring the thief away. Chris immediately phoned Marshal Shipley who at once went on a hunt for his man and gathered him in without any trouble, locked him up and recovered all the money he had stolen.
The Lusk Herald, September 19, 1919
The Snyder Store has installed an electric elevator, the first one to reach the city.
The Lusk Standard, October 17, 1919
The Snyder building, which is located just across the street from the Henry Hotel and which is now operated by the Snyder general store, passed out of the hands of the Lusk development and Improvement company last Saturday and came under the ownership of J.L. Joiner of the Toggery Shop, and R,H. Harvey of Denver. The consideration was $20,000.
The Snyder stock will probably all be moved by the first of next week to the new store opposite the Ranger Hotel and the immense stock will be place in the south half of the building where a more extensive display will be possible. At present the Toggery is located in the Goddard building. The north half has been leased to the Cordell Brothers, who were to open a meat market there but their taking over the business of Korvats & Bereton and continuing in that location will not permit of their occupying quarters in the old Snyder building . However, the butcher boys are in touch with a Nebraska man who will take over the lease. The nature of the business to be conducted there has not been given out.
Messrs, Joiner and Harvey are both well -known here. Mr. Joiner has been managing the Toggery for several years and Mr. Harvey who has traveled for more than thirty years for the firm of Guiterman Brothers, of St. Paul, is known as a mighty fine fellow and an excellent business man by not only the merchants of this city to whom he has sold goods but to every merchant in every town in this territory.
The Lusk Herald, January 1, 1925
"and they say that...." Column
We buy cream and butterfat for the Cheyenne Creamery Co., and pay highest market prices. SNYDER MERCANTILE CO.
The Lusk Herald, May 28, 1936
For many years the Snyder Store was located on the lots now occupied by the Hiway Super Service Station, but in 1919 they built the new store now occupied by the Midwest Hardware Co. and the Golden Rule store.
(Logo below from The Lusk Herald, April 24, 1930)

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Related/Linked Records
Record Type | Name | |
Property | 232 S MAIN ST | View Record | Business | H. C. Snyder & Co. | View Record | Obituary | Snyder, Harry (06/24/1861 - 11/23/1916) | View Record | Historical | Snyder, Harry C. | View Record |